Polis invited to stakeholder meeting on the Urban Mobility Package
Building on the results of the 2009 Action Plan on Urban Mobility, the 2011 White Paper on Transport strengthened the urban dimension of the Commission's transport policy by including specific urban mobility initiatives to support the achievement of a modernised, competitive and resource-efficient transport system.
The Transport White Paper includes the following three urban mobility initiatives:
• Promoting the use of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
• An EU framework for urban road user charging and access restriction schemes
• A strategy for near "zero-emission city logistics" by 2030.
With a view to presenting an Urban Mobility Package covering these three initiatives the Commission has launched a study to identify and assess different options to implement each initiative. The study has described the use of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and has assessed the impacts of alternative policy options for promoting their use. It has also assessed access restrictions and urban logistics and options for improving their effectiveness and efficiency.
The stakeholder meeting will include presentations of the draft findings of each component followed by an open discussion. Polis has been invited to participate and share its viewpoints. The stakeholder meeting will take place in Brussels on May 21, 2013.