
Polis active on C-ITS, automation and MaaS

CIMEC project final conference:

The final event of the CIMEC project on 18 May will focus on sharing the project's main findings, notably the C-ITS deployment roadmap, the most attractive C-ITS use case for cities and the level of C-ITS readiness among ITS suppliers. The audience will have the opportunity to learn about the C-ITS activities of the CIMEC city partners (Reading, Bilbao, Trondheim and Kassel) as well as the activities and plans of the motorway community and industry partners (OEMs and suppliers). The conference will also provide an opportunity to learn about European activities and national programmes and plans to support cities in moving towards C-ITS deployment.

CIMEC City Pool workshop:

Immediately following the CIMEC final conference there will be the final workshop of the CIMEC City Pool which brings together city authorities and other urban transport stakeholders. The main aim of this final City Pool meeting is to explore how to take forward the main CIMEC assets, notably the knowledge gained about city and supplier views on C-ITS, the roadmap, the standardisation recommendations and finally the City Pool itself, which now consists of a cohesive group of city authorities with an understanding - and in some cases plans for deployment - of C-ITS. To this end, other urban C-ITS projects will be encouraged to attend.

The CIMEC conference programme and registration can be found on the CIMEC website.

Polis Traffic Efficiency & Mobility Working Group meeting:

The Polis Working Group will meet on Friday 19 May, the day after the CIMEC final conference. The TE&M WG will deal with two main themes: automation and MAAS, focused on sharing knowledge, views and needs in view of the preparation of a Polis position paper on each of these subjects. This Working Group meeting is for Polis members only.