Policy brief on e-mobility in the Mediterranean: a piece of the puzzle for decarbonisation
The path to climate neutrality is not without its challenges, and urban mobility is at the core of this quest. Electromobility is enjoying increasing popularity, yet its pitfalls must be accounted for. E-mobility is a valuable part of the puzzle for decarbonisation, but only when paired with the investment and promotion of Public Transport and active travel (walking and cycling). As Mediterranean countries close the gap in the deployment of e-mobility, it is imperative that they place multimodality front and centre.
The looming energy crisis and the disruption in the global supply chain are more recent challenges in reaching the expected price parity between Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and Electric Vehicles (EVs), influencing the roll-out of e-mobility.
The Urban Transport Community’s initiative has released its third policy brief addressing e-mobility in the Mediterranean by drawing up policy recommendations to contribute to the region’s effort to decarbonise urban mobility and the transport sector.
Electric vehicles must be regarded as a means, rather than an end in the pursuit of the decarbonisation of urban mobility in our cities. In this regard, sustainable mobility policies must promote, combine, and balance investment between active mobility (cycling and walking), including cycle lanes and the pedestrianisation of urban spaces; public transport and infrastructure required for electric vehicles, such as recharging points.
The third Urban Transport Community Policy Brief sets the basis for materialising this vision by identifying the main trends, challenges, and goals regarding e-mobility in Euro-Mediterranean regions and urban areas. The policy brief highlights a broad agenda of political recommendations at the local, regional, state and EU levels, backed up by some of the most relevant good practices from the Urban Transports Community.
Interested in reading the Policy Brief?
You can download it here.
About UTC:
The Urban Transport Community (UTC) is an Interreg MED initiative and aims to promote innovative solutions for sustainable mobility in the territories of Mediterranean Europe. The Interreg MED Programme is a transnational European Cooperation Programme for the Mediterranean area. It is co-financed by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund), an instrument of the EU regional policy and its new programming period.