Cities invited to apply for free access to Populus Street Manager
Populus is offering free access to its Street Manager platform for a limited number of cities.
Populus Street Manager helps city departments of transportation identify and communicate new street policies, including street closures due to emergencies, construction and special events. Populus is now inviting cities and public agencies to apply to the Open Streets Initiative by May 15, 2020. A select number cities will be selected by June 2020 to partner with Populus to design and implement new street policies.
Through the Open Streets Initiative, a select number of cities will be invited to partner with Populus to implement dynamic street policies with complementary access to our platform in 2020. Cities may have different use cases for designing, communicating, and evaluating temporary street closures or policies. A few examples include:
Opening streets to bikes and pedestrians. Create expanded room for social distancing on city streets by prioritizing bicyclists and pedestrians.
Close streets for construction. Approve and communicate construction closures for prioritizing transit projects or other major construction events.
Special event street policies. Coordinate and communicate street policies design for major events or other special event use cases.
To find out more and apply, please see the Populus website.