
OPEN DAYS 2015: Registration open for the OPEN urban DAY

This year's OPEN DAYS editions goes urban! If you are interested in the urban dimension of EU policies a series of event in the framework of the OPEN urban DAY will take place on 14 October 2015.

The OPEN urban DAY will be organized in the Brussels "Canal Area", an ambitious urban renewal project, to facilitate international exchanges on urban development. Guided visits to projects will be organised by the Brussels Capital Region.

In line with the EU's urban agenda, practitioners, officials and experts from all over Europe will participate in interactive workshops dealing with various urban topics as such: financial instruments for cites, smart solutions for citizens, green businesses incubators, new urban economies... Visits to urban projects will reveal concrete examples of how urban revitalization happens in Brussels.

The OPEN DAYS programme is availble. To register, please visit the event webpage.

Participation in the OPEN DAYS is free of charge. Registration for Brussels-based seminars is open until 28 September and happens online.