New stations for better city transport: a new generation of interchanges for a more efficient and sustainable urban mobility system
Launch of the new NODES website at
Toulouse, Reading, Budapest, Rouen, Rome, Thessaloniki, Osnabrück, Coventry and the Dutch Railways will all implement new solutions for a new generation of interchanges which will contribute to better transport services and an improved experience for the travelers.
Their efforts, supported by a consortium of 17 European partners, will lead to new solutions in five key areas:
- the integration of the interchange with its urban environment;
- a design which improves the traveler experience, is attractive and enables efficient transport operations;
- the integration of different transport services at the interchange, from rail and buses to bikes and electromobility services, all this supported by the smart use of information and telecommunication technologies;
- business models to ensure the financing of the developments and the financial sustainability of the projects;
- solutions for more energy efficient stations with lower impacts on the environment.
The NODES Toolbox will provide a catalogue of integrated planning, design and management tools, based on the most advanced practices in urban and other related transport sectors. It will allow practitioners to assess and benchmark their new or upgraded interchange and to improve their performance.
[Download the press release as pdf file]