
New report release: Standards for Developing a SUMP Action Plan

While support is available for local authorities in the selection of measures and measure packages, they are nonetheless missing more precise information on how to implement these measures successfully. 

The SUMP Action Plan report seeks to fill this void: it provides city planners with the step-by-step know-how necessary for the development of SUMP action plans. Furthermore, it takes into account different levels of SUMP development experience and SUMP maturity amongst cities.

It breaks down the development of a SUMP Action Plan into an easy-to-understand six-step process, with the final stage of this an implementation plan.

The report contains the following:

  • guidance in terms of what to include in an action plan, including responsibilities, resources, stakeholder coordination, time plans, and funding sources;
  • a breakdown of developing an action plan into a six-step process, with the final stage of this an implementation plan;
  • examples of action plan templates and a user manual;
  • references to examples of good action plans.

The report complements the SUMPs-Up manuals focusing on SUMP measure selection by providing a detailed outline for how city planners may successfully implement measures.

To ensure its relevance to all cities, the report takes into account also different levels of SUMP development experience and degrees of maturity of cities across Europe.

For more information on the report and to download it, click here.