
New release: Two reports on the Safety of Bike Share Systems and E-Bikes in The Netherlands

The Safety of Bike Share Systems

This paper reviews available research on the safety impacts associated with the impact of bike share use.

In the last 20 years the global fleet of dock-based and dockless bike share systems has grown to well over 4.5 million bycicles; making bike share one of the fastest growing modes of transport worldwide.

This rapid increase in popularity has made bike safety a priority for policy makers and calls for a framework where bike share crash data is collected consistently to ensure safety risks can be identified and reduced, in order to encourage more sustainable urban mobility.

For more information, and to download the paper please click here.

The Safety of E-Bikes in The Netherlands

This case-control study compares the likelihood and injury severity of crashes between users of e-bikes and classic bikes in The Netherlands.

Use of e-bikes with a maximum speed of 25 km/h is rapidly increasing in European countries. Cyclists being hospitalised are compared to those being sent home after the treatment at the emergency department in order to compare the injury consequences between e-bike and classic bike victims.

Whilst results suggest that e-bike and classic bike users are equally likely to be involved in a crash and the severity of crashes are also about equal, the overall impact of e-bikes on road safety is complex and requires more research. As with all forms of physical activity, injuries need to be weighed against the health benefits of more cycling.

For more information, and to download the paper please click here.