
New H2020 project looks at automated vehicles, dynamic platooning and network management: MAVEN - Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network

MAVEN will develop infrastructure-assisted algorithms for the management of automated vehicles and will build a system prototype for field tests and impact assessment, leading to the development of a roadmap for the introduction of vehicle-road automation to support road authorities.

The cities of Helmond (NL), Braunschweig (D) and the London Borough of Greenwich (UK) are the demonstration cities. Other project partners are: Dynniq (project coordination), MAPtm, TomTom, DLR the German Aerospace Agency, CTU the Czech Technical University, Hyundai, and Polis.

Stakeholders workshops

MAVEN is organising a stakeholders workshop targeting local authorities in Barcelona on Tuesday, 15 November. The aim of this first MAVEN stakeholder consultation workshop is to discuss and review the preliminary system concept, use case descriptions, and assessment and demonstration plan.

The workshop is organised back to back to a workshop on Cooperative-ITS and cities, jointly organised by the CIMEC and CODECS projects, will take place on 14 November.

To register, please fill in the form on the event webpage here.