
Networking opportunities at the European Sustainable Energy Week

The week will give floor to many speakers in energy-related sessions, but in addition to that it will be a good place for networking. The Networking Village hosts exhibitions, presentations, a Speakers’ Corner and one-to-one meetings. It is a key feature of the Policy Conference – a place for the EUSEW Community to exchange ideas.

A common stand of three current Horizon 2020 electromobility projects – FREVUE, ZeEUS and Eliptic - will be present

Two networking slots of the two Sustainable Urban Transport initiatives of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities will also be there. One on Scaling-up smart electromobility solutions in Europe and the other one on Sustainable Mobility in the Smart City, addressing new mobility services. The two networking slots will take place between 14 and 17:30 on 15 June and will be an excellent opportunity to hear more about the initiatives, join them and eventually become part of a project stimulating deployment of ITS services or electromobility in Europe.

For more information see the website of the EUSEW.