MOLECULES project results available
After three years from the launch, MOLECULES is wrapping up with a Final Workshop on 10 February 2015 in Marne-la-Valle, Ile-de-France. The workshop agenda is available here.
The project has developed an online platform integrating into one portal a set of electromobility-related services deployed in three pilot sites: Barcelona, Berlin, and Grand Paris, each one of them with specific local conditions.
The final workshop will introduce results of the analysis of the state of play of electromobility in Europe and electric vehicle market penetration, including insights from the project.
Detailed analysis results and policy recommnedaiotns are reported in the Business Strategy and in the Roadmap for the Long Term Deployment.
Another key aspect is transferability. MOLECULES allows both to add new services to the existing platform and transfer the platform to a new pilot site which may have a different context.
Key success factors and main barriers for scaling and transferring MOLECULES experience are presented in the Guidelines for MOLECULES Deployment. The document provides not only the technical guidelines for the whole system transferabilty but also main findings related to the three pilot sites' specific context.
The final project newsletter with updates from the project team, local news, results and events can be found here.
All project deliverables are available in the project website.