
Madrid is the first city joining the worldwide Hackathon! Happening this July and August 2016!

On July 11th, a first workshop was held in MedialabPrado, in Madrid, framed within the Hackathon contest MobilityLabs 2016. The essential purpose of the event was to present the platform and all its subsystems, with theoretical and practical sessions alternating. In addition, some introductory sessions focussed on various platforms related to the technologies.

The initiative will run for two months, consisting of 2 phases:

  • The 1st phase will be dedicated to data collection from the MediaLab platform and will last one month.
  • The 2nd phase will be dedicated to developing services and will also last one month.

The following websites may be of help to you:

What is MobilityLabs?

MobilityLabs is an open and interoperable platform that enables the concentration of information based on events likely to be used in the field of urban mobility. This information is stored in Big Data and Real Time models. In short, MobilityLabs Madrid is a virtual space for the exchange of experiences and information in which developers and journalists can store data or extract information using the extensive resources available to the platform.

How does it work?

The workshop offers a platform for research, production, and learning, and supports the development of the new born Hackathon ideas.

The proposals will be developed in multidisciplinary working groups with conceptual and technical advice from the organizers.

The organizers will provide as far as possible the needed tools for the implementation and documentation of selected projects.

Since one of the key objectives of the workshop is to promote the development, dissemination and free access to new data on the platform of open data EMT, participants will be encouraged to develop adequate documentation of the projects, both during the workshop and subsequently towards completion, and to publish the results and source code under free licenses that allow access and dissemination of knowledge produced during the workshop.

MedialabPrado promotes the use of free software technology tools and therefore encourages participants to work with shared and open coded applications and computing environments.

Worldwide Hackathon culminating at the Montreal Summit 2017

This Regional Hackathon in Madrid, is the first one taking place within the Global Contest launched to see the regional finalists selected, participating at the final international Hackathon taking place in Montreal during the UITP Montreal Summit May 2017.

Y4PT devotes all its day-to-day activities to contribute the most to achieve universal sustainable transport coverage with public transport as cornerstone of multimodal mobility solutions. This is also expected from all contestants and their projects. Hackathon entries should contribute somehow to an ultimate goal, the one of doubling public transport’s market share worldwide (PTx2): UITP estimates that it would save around 170m tons of oil and 550m tons of CO2 equivalent; reduce urban traffic fatalities by 15%; double the number of jobs in public transport operators as well as reduce the risk of obesity and heart disease by 50% thanks to the greater role of walking, cycling and public transport.

Moreover all entries should be in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the one addressing sustainable transport (Target 11.2): “By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons”.