Lessons from POLITE in regional transport plans
The POLITE project is about transfer of good practices in infomobility for public transport. Some of the most favoured by partners measures for knowledge transfer were explained by experts during a Training Workshop in Ferrara, Italy on 19 September. Two of the five good practices came from Polis members – the Transport Research Centre (CDV), Czech Republic and Reading Borough Council, UK. The measures presented in detail were: the Czech national multimodal journey planner (IDOS), Reading ticket payment system, Mobile PT ticketing in Poland (SkyCash), Bus priority, traveller information/experience and smart ticketing (Cambridge Bus Way) and Smart fleet management in Torino. In each of these sessions selected external experts trained the POLITE partners on the specific measures and answered their questions.
The POLITE project is already giving results. In Calabria region (Italy), lessons learnt from the project are being integrated in its Regional Transport Plan. Another POLITE partner – IliM, is feeding in the infomobility sections of the Polish national and 16 regional transport plans with lessons from POLITE. In additional 3 Italian mobility councillors (Mrs. Patrizia Bianchini, Province of Ferrara, Mr. Luigi Fedele, Calabria Region and Mr. Nicola Mayerà, City of Cosenza) and the local television attended the communication workshop organised on 18 September. This testifies the interest on political level and among the wider audience in the results that the project is going to produce.