Last SWITCH Newsletter #5 now available!
The SWITCH project came to an end in May 2016 and as such this will be the last edition of our newsletter. To share our success from the last two years we organised a final conference in April 2016, to present results, share knowledge and our experiences with European cities on encouraging active travel and designing a SWITCH campaign.
We unveiled at the final conference the SWITCH Campaign Guide and Toolbox to help cities to implement an effective SWITCH campaign. These are now available for you to download as an ePub and PDF file from the SWITCH website.
The Campaign Guide has been translated into German, Polish and Romanian and other languages will be available soon. Paper copies are also available in English. Get in contact with us to receive your free copy!
the SWITCH e-learning tool at www.mobilityacademy. eu/SWITCH. This version now includes information about financial aspects of a travel behaviour change campaign, and has been opened up so that everyone can use it without password or login requirements.
The newsletter (PDF) can be downloaded from the SWITCH website.
Enjoy reading!
For more information about the project and activities in the cities,please visit website at and follow our Twitter feed @switchtravel