
Île-de-France Region launches call for expressions of interest in freight and logistics

Faced with the challenge of the spread of e-commerce in the consumption habits of Ile-de-France residents, the logistics sector is changing rapidly. Increasingly shorter delivery times, desire to bring storage centres closer to end consumers, difficulties in finding land, etc.: the challenges are numerous.

Collaborative projects as part of the regional freight and logistics strategy
In this highly competitive sector, solutions shared across the Paris region are struggling to take shape. The Île-de-France Region therefore wishes to intervene to encourage public and private actors to consult and confront their visions, in order to optimise the organisation of flows and limit the negative effects on the environment. The objective is to lead to the implementation of cooperative projects within the framework of the Regional Freight and Logistics Strategy (in French).

The Region is therefore launching a call for expressions of interest "Supporting territories", in order to bring out new projects aimed at the supply, circulation, storage, distribution, deliveries and removal of goods in cities, for all business sectors.

Objectives are of two orders:

  • Give communities the means to influence freight and logistics issues in their territory and to jointly build projects with sector players;
  • Support employment in freight and logistics while innovating for the environment.

What are the priority themes?

  • Analysis of goods flows
  • Coordination of parking and traffic conditions for deliveries
  • Integration of urban logistics in a development project
  • Use of the waterway for urban logistics
  • Innovations for the logistics service of the territory
  • Support for short circuits.

The Region proposes to finance projects up to 500,000 euros in investment and 50,000 euros in operations.

Proposals must reach the Île-de-France Region by February 20, 2020. Download the full presentation of the call for expressions of interest "Supporting territories"(in French). For any information, contact:
