Great interest into Ile-de-France's public call for cycling projects in the region
The first regional call for projects dedicated to daily cycling has triggered a strong attention: more than 30 projects have been submitted everywhere in Île-de-France.
Region Île-de-France has high ambitions to put the Parisians back in the saddle and to triple daily cycling by 2020. By adopting the regional cycling plan in March 2017, the Region has given a new impetus to cycling policy in Île-de-France.
The Region launched in May 2018 the first regional call for projects dedicated to daily cycling. Many communities and players in the Paris region have responded, confirming the success of this plan.
This success reflects the ambition of Valérie Pécresse, President of the Île-de-France Region, and Stéphane Beaudet, Vice-President in charge of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, to bring concrete solutions to users and encourage them gradually to cycle daily.
In a few weeks, more than 30 applications have been submitted, mobilising small and large towns, departments, municipalities and groups of municipalities.
In response to the diversity of practices and needs across the territory, the projects offer solutions as varied as the development of equipment and secured parkings, the signage of cycle routes, the development of cycle paths, the creation of parking spaces as well as innovative awareness and promotion actions.
The awarding of grants and the launching of the works are planned for the first semester of 2019, for a rapid realization of these projects.
This multi-partnership approach has mobilized a large number of stakeholders and confirms their willingness to foster the cycling culture in the region.