FREVUE Final Conference on 21 June 2017: Save the date!
After more than four years of exposing Electric Freight Vehicles to the day-to-day rigours of urban logistics in eight of Europe’s largest cities, the FREVUE partners would like to share with you project results and their thoughts for the future deployment of Electric Freight Vehicles in Europe.
FREVUE final conference attendees will:
- Find out about the results of the demonstrations
- Gain insight to the process of integrating electric vehicles in daily city logistics operations
- Discover the economic, environmental and operational benefits of electric freight vehicles
- Get the chance to meet with experienced stakeholders in the field of electric logistics
- Learn how they could join the movement and help to develop the electric freight sector in Europe.
Further information about the conference and instructions regarding the registration process will be provided later in spring.
Until then, save the date!
More information:
- FREVUE website
- Contact: Thomas Mourey