
Free training webinars on WHO’s Health Economic Assessment Tool (November 5th and 10th)


November 5th at 13:00 CET

November 10th at 12:00 CET

You can register here

The goal of the webinars is to present this online resource which calculates the economic value of health benefits gained through regular cycling. Specifically, HEAT translates reduced mortality rates, as a result of more cycling and walking, into financial benefits.

Who should participate? Cycling advocates, scientists, local or national officials and anyone else who wants to build the case for new investments in cycling.

Why join? Successful advocacy relies on being able to provide numbers and solid data. With the results obtained through HEAT, you can make the case for more convincing cost-benefit analyses and health impact assessments that show cycling investment makes sense.

The webinar will be hosted by Dr. Randy Rzewnicki, the ECF policy expert on topics of health and physical activity.