FLOW Call for Market Forerunners and Marketplace Followers and Newsletter N2
The mission of the FLOW project is to put walking and cycling on an equal footing with motorised modes as a solution to tackle urban congestion. This is done by developing a user-friendly methodology, involving traffic modelling, to assess the effectiveness of walking and cycling measures. FLOW is supported by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission.
The second issue of the newsletter informs about the nine FLOW Exchange cities that have recently been selected and started to engage in the project. It furthermore announces important news, such as the Call for FLOW Market Forerunners and Marketplace Followers. If you are a transport planning consultancy specialised in cycling, walking and transport modelling and want to provide innovative planning and modelling services directly to local authorities, do not miss this opportunity to apply. Deadline for application is July, 8.
The newsletter includes further news in its regular sections: City in the spotlight, Partner in the spotlight, Project in the spotlight and News bites from the FLOW cities. To read the whole newsletter, please go to FLOW website.
We encourage you to stay informed and sign up to receive the FLOW newsletter at www.h2020flow.eu.