
First NODES newsletter puts NODES testing site in Birmingham in the spotlight

NODES, New Tools for Design and Operation of Urban Transport Interchanges, is a three-year research European project, focusing on the efficient integration of public transport services.

NODES will build a toolbox to support European cities in the design and operation of new or upgraded interchanges, as a way to provide greater support, services and satisfaction to the travelers and users, as well as to interchange operators and those societal and economic actors depending on the efficiency of interchange operations.

As the project enters the operational phase with testing underway, the first NODES Newsletter was issued on the 1st of September. This first edition, highlights how interchanges are essential components of transport networks of the future and how they will increasingly become strategic places for any transport network.

The central article looks more closely at the Snow Hill Interchange in Birmingham city center, one the nine NODES testing sites. The illustrated example of the Snow Hill interchange gives an insight into the work being done in tools testing as well as the strategic dimension of interchanges.

To sign up to the NODES newsletter, please click here.

For further information on the NODES project, please visit the website at or contact