
First meeting of POSSE Open ITS Systems Forum

City authorities, highways authorities and universities from across Europe and beyond have joined the POSSE Open ITS Systems Forum in order to learn more about open specifications and standards for ITS and to understand how they can benefit from the open systems approaches adopted in the UK and Germany.

Forum members are able to engage directly with the technical experts on open specifications and standards as well as with local authorities that have adopted the approach and are therefore in a position to share hands-on experiences.  

The mixed membership should lead to interesting discussions on urban ITS, the urban-interurban traffic management interface as well as the extension of existing open specification and standards frameworks to emerging traffic technologies, such as cooperative systems.

The purpose of the first meeting of the POSSE Forum is four-fold:

  • To offer Forum members an introduction to POSSE and to the open system frameworks implemented in the United Kingdom (UTMC) and Germany, Austria and Switerland (OCIT/OTS)
  • To learn about the ITS context elsewhere in Europe and how POSSE can support Forum members in moving towards open system frameworks
  • To gather feedback on the good practice guide to implementing open systems, which is being drafted with POSSE
  • To have the opportunity to network with POSSE partners and eachother

The meeting is restricted to Forum members. If you would like to join the Forum, please contact Suzanne Hoadley

 For more information about the Forum, click here.