
Final report 'Joining forces to tackle the road transport CO2 challenge’ now available

Nearly 60 stakeholders including businesses, trade associations, NGOs, research bodies and think tanks, have been involved in the initiative and contributed their expertise and experience offering a comprehensive approach to reducing CO2 emissions for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles.

The report contains chapters dedicated to the four workstreams:

  • Fuel options
  • Intelligent transport systems (ITS) and the connected car
  • Road infrastructure
  • Eco-driving

as well as the key findings and conclusions.

The stakeholders consultation aimed to map out key policy changes necessary for these technologies and approaches to deliver their fullest potential.

ACEA has anounced a series of events and workshops in months to come, with the aim of facilitating a direct dialogue between EU policy makers and strakeholders. A first workshop took place on 26 May 2016 for European Commission officials.

The full report can be viewed here.