
EUSTO Project: a worthwhile synergy for security of critical transport infrastructures

Due to the interdependencies, connections, and tight inter-linkages between the different surface transport infrastructures, their effective protection need the establishment of a stronger cooperation between all the actors involved, such as owners of infrastructures, operators of transport services, public authorities in charge for security of strategic infrastructures, researchers. To this purpose, EUSTO focused on creating a network between them, as ideal platform for discussion and exchange of information and ideas. This way, the mutual knowledge of the Member States' security capabilities specific to terrorist crises could be increased, in order to enhance preparedness and response capabilities in case of terrorist attacks requiring mutual assistance at EU level.

The EUSTO Project concluded in June, 2016, and the main outcome consists of the following elements:


  • Launch of the Security Foresight Platform for Surface Transport Operations, which could potentially become a central point for the exchange of related information (still open to newcomers).
  • Provisioning of support for on-going activities for surface transportation protection (e.g., Thematic Network or Technology Platform).
  • Guidelines for a Reference Operational Security Plan which could serve as a basis for surface transportation operators.



Author: Mauro Borioni (SRM Bologna)  -

EUSTO Project: