EEVC 2015
This three day event will include:
- The European Project Day (Tuesday 1st December 2015)
This special day aims at providing the audience with a complete overview of the different programs supported by the European Authorities (FP7, Horizon 2020, IEE, EUROSTARS, INTEREG, ...) & related funded projects dealing with e-mobility.
This now traditional Brussel’s rendezvous is a unique opportunity to identify possible actions, overlaps, synergies and/or gaps… and obviously the place to start new projects!
This year, the day will be organized in dedicated transversal topic sessions so to ensure homogeneity of the discussions as well as interactivity between the projects of the different programs!
- European Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress (Wednesday 2nd till Friday 4th December 2015)
After a plenary session dedicated to the strategic policy for “Europe’s vision and action plan”, academic, government and industry leaders will gather for exchange views and information to develop synergies to transform our mobility behaviors in general and foster electrical vehicles related technologies in particular.
The conference will then be spitted into three parallel session tracks so that specialized topic discussion could be organized for R&D exchanges, industry and politic aspects each. Vertical generic coherent themes have been identified so to ensure that the sessions are user-friendly. Each attendee is assured to find a session of interest at any time.
All during the conference, exciting round tables will gather the participants so to ensure cross-shared discussions of mutual interest.
For more information please visit