ECCENTRIC project: opportunity for 'Observer Cities' in Sustainable Urban Mobility actions
he Observer Cities Group will be an active network of 20 cities across Europe, China, India and Latin America, which will engage closely with the five main project partner cities' activities as 'Living Labs' for various aspects of urban mobility of freight and people.
The Observer Cities Group will be an active network of 20 cities across Europe, China, India and Latin America, which will engage closely with the five main project partner cities' activities as 'Living Labs' for various aspects of urban mobility of freight and people.
The CIVITAS ECCENTRIC project has a particular focus on the replicability of integrated urban planning approaches which facilitate silent and CO² free logistics in suburban areas.
The use of clean vehicles, innovative regulatory approaches and emerging technologies will be tested as part of the ECCENTRIC project.
Partner Cities include Madrid, Munich, Ruse, Stockholm and Turku, where a total of 51 project measures will be tested for their potential to be applied both in the Observer Cities group and wider across the globe.
Observer Cities will benefit from privileged access to the Partner Cities' project teams and their activities, including strategic placement in working groups of direct interest and access to events, training and conferences on Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP).
In addition, technical support with identifying and testing potentially replicable measures and with the development of an Implementation Plan will be features of the Observer Cities Group.
An engaging programme of study visits to the five Partner Cities, training webinars and capacity-building workshops will be available to Observer Cities. Successful replications in Observer Cities from the project will be publicised in the ELTIS Urban Mobility Observatory.
Opportunities for networking with leading urban mobility actors in cities across the globe will be of significant benefit to Observer Cities, and will be underpinned in the project's cross-fertilisation measures.
Interested cities will be expected to commit to a minimum level of involvement and identify areas of specific interest within the scope of the ECCENTRIC project.
Applications and enquiries can be sent to the project coordination team at the ICLEI European Secretariat:
For more information, visit the ECCENTRIC project page