ECA Journal: What is the EU doing for transport and mobility?
What are the EU's main objectives, what works well, and what doesn't? And what are the key concerns, now and in the future? Read our articles on the economic costs and benefits of transport and the work of the European Commission's Directorate General for Transport and INEA, its executive agency. We present the main challenges identified in the recent ECA landscape review on transport, and discuss the links between transport and the environment, clean air, and health and safety issues. Find out what auditors come across when they assess transport infrastructure projects.
This Journal features contributions from politicians active in this field at both EU and Member State level. It offers perspectives from auditors and evaluators in the EU and from overseas, including Japan. Look at mobility from the perspective of the users of different transport modes and gain insights into the financing of future transport projects. Or dive into more 'distant' issues, such as air traffic control and Galileo, the EU's global navigation satellite system.
Edition highlights
06 Reconciling transport and the environment – a dilemma that is there to stay
19 Moving from EU patchwork to EU network
31 EU passenger rights – auditing a policy that really matters to citizens
35 Being ECA's Mr Transport
57 Creating a level-playing field in the EU: fair opportunities for the different transport modes require regulatory action
62 EU auditor's recommendations contributing to a reassessment of public spending on part infrastructure in Italy
77 Passing common-or-garden trees, on a run-of-the-mill train
96 EIB leveraging finance to connect Europe through cleaner, smarter and safer mobility