E-mobility recent events: presentations availalble!
On the morning of the 25th of February the Green eMotion project invited Polis to give a presentation on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and electric mobility integration. Final results, examples and recommendations from the project were also presented: http://www.greenemotion-project.eu/dissemination/presentations.php
Later that afternoon, the 3rd e-mobility stakeholder forum kicked-off. Karen Vancluysen, Polis' Executive Director, chaired the open plenary. Operational, technical and policy workshops took place during the two days event. The presentations of the forum are available here.
Finally, on the 27th of February, an international event on e-mobility took place. This was organised in cooperation with the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI), which was initiated by UN-Habitat and the SOLUTIONS project and launched at the UN Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York. The presentations and a summary of the event are available at: http://www.urban-mobility-solutions.eu/events/workshop-270215/