Connecting Europe Facility: New EU funding for safe and secure truck parking areas
To improve the network of safe and secure truck parking areas (SSTPAs) across the EU, the European Commission opened a call for new funding scheme of 100 million euros, closing the 19th January 2022.
With only 300,000 truck parking spaces currently available in the EU, there is a significant shortfall of 100,000 spaces to meet total demand. Among existing parking places in the EU, only 7,000, or less than 3%, are located in certified safe and secure areas.
With the goal to modernizes transport infrastructure, investment over 100 million euro will be made available. Investment's priorities will include the development of new safe and secure truck parking areas (SSTPAs) approximately every 100km along the TEN-T core road network and upgrades to safety, security and services in existing rest areas, in line with the EU-funded study on EU Parking Standards.
The IRU, the world road transport organization, as well as the Europe’s Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), both have welcomed the European Commission´s launch of a call for proposals to access €100 million in CEF funding.
Call opened on September 16, 2021 and closes on January 19, 2022.
Read more about the funding, conditions and grants available here .