Complete the questionnaire for the public consultation of the EU Urban Mobility Package
The public consultation of the EU Urban Mobility Package has been approved by the SG and launched just yesterday, September 11, 2019. Responding to the questionnaire will be possible from September 11 to December 4, 2019.
Enhancing urban mobility while reducing congestion, accidents and pollution is a common challenge to all major cities. The Commission supports these goals and in 2013 has put forward the Urban Mobility Package including proposals for relevant action at local, Member State and EU level. It was proposed to reinforce EU support in the area by encouraging the sharing of experiences and showcasing best practices, by providing targeted financial support through the European funds and by providing financial support for research and innovation.
There have been important developments with impact on urban mobility, such as the growing importance of cities, disruptive changes in transport and mobility of both technological and societal nature, as well as rising mobility (congestion), health (air pollution) and climate (emissions) challenges.
It is therefore appropriate to examine whether this framework is fit for purpose and delivers as intended. In the context of the evaluation, the Commission will carry out several consultation activities to gather information and feedback from the relevant stakeholders and wider public in relation to the effects of the Urban Mobility Package.
Complete the questionnaire
The main stakeholders identified include cities and their networks, stakeholders active in urban mobility and road safety fields, national and local administrations, citizens living in cities as well as the Committee of the Regions.
Do you belong to one of these cathegories? Then you can contribute to this consultation by filling in the online questionnaire. You can submit your responses in any official EU language.
If you are unable to use the online questionnaire, please contact us using the email address
For reasons of transparency, organisations and businesses taking part in public consultations are asked to register in the EU’s Transparency Register.
Respond to the questionnaire
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