Committee of the regions adopts its opinion on the Urban Mobility Package
Polis welcomes the fact that the opinion stresses that solved with a sectorial approach only. In particular, the fact that the opinion has introduced the notion of “active travel” reflects this approach too. Polis also shares the view that the Communication is a step in the right direction in ensuring that Member States increase their commitment to providing an enabling framework for local and regional authorities to adopt Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Polis joins the Committee of Regions in its appeal to the Commission local authority or city representatives should be involved in the Member States' Expert Group on Urban Mobility and Transport that is foreseen in the Package.
Polis would like to see greater coherence between policies and more efficient implementation at local level of urban mobility policies. More coordination between European environment, climate, research and innovation, industry, energy, health and transport policies is needed, in as far as these have a direct impact on urban and regional transport. The key tool to achieve an integrated approach is Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. Polis therefore strongly welcomes the fact that the Communication encourages SUMPs, in particular the fact that the annex on SUMP outlines a definition of the tool is a very important step in facilitating its EU- wide uptake.
Next steps:
- The European Parliament is expected to produce an own initiative report in the autumn in response to the Commission’s communication.
- The European Commission will continue developing its work on the topics of the four staff working documents: ITS deployment, safety, access regulation and road charging, urban logistics.
To read the CoR's opinion, please click here.
Please see the summary of the Urban Mobility Package prepared by Polis (accessible on members’ area) and the draft elements of response to the CoR consultation on the Urban Mobility Package produced by Polis (accessible on members’ area).
For more information, please contact Cleo Davies: