
Commissioner Bulc encourages multimodality during the European Mobility Week

Commissioner Violeta Bulc invites all Europeans to think about their transport habits during this year's EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK which will start on Wednesday 16 September and come to an end with the traditional 'car free day' on Wednesday 23 September. During this final day, Europeans are asked to get out of their cars to try alternative mobility solutions.

But what is the alternative, then? While Ms Bulc admits her inclination for cycling, people are encouraged to walk, cycle or use the public transports. To comply with this year's theme "Chose. Change. Combine.", citizens could also consider a combination of the three modes of transport.

The EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK and in particular the "car-free day" are an opportunity of highlighting the positive health and environmental effects of daily active mobility, in combination with public transport. Ms. Bulc says it is also the right moment to"make some commitments: to cleaner cities, to more dynamic and more pleasant cities."

More information

Watch the video clip on the European Commission website

Polis is a member of the EUROPEANMOBILITYWEEK - DO THE RIGHT MIX European secretariat. For more information, please contact: Dagmar Köhler: or Thomas Mourey: