
Come and join us at the 4th European SUMP Conference

Each year, the European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans is THE unmissable event for cities and other practitioners and experts willing to exchange on SUMPs. This year, the SUMP Conference will focus on the theme: Inrelligent Planning for Sustainable Mobility. The international community of practitioners, policy makers, city staff and academics from across Europe will have the opportunity to come together and to debate key issues, highlight developments in mobility planning and exchange ideas and experience around this topic and more generally SUMP development.

More information about the 4th SUMP Conference are available on the Eltis platform:

The conference is organised by CIVITAS PROSPERITY, a member of the European Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.

Meet us at the conference

As a network of European cities and regions cooperating for innovative transport solutions, Polis will take an active part in the conference.

Polis Secretary General, Ms. Karen Vancluysen will share a parallel session on the topic of Smart Cities and will reflect on how the idea of SMART Cities can fit to the SUMP approach. Polis project manager, Ms. Florinda Boschetti will share another session, on the theme of tourism and mobility, a session particularly well adapted to the host city, Dubrovnik, a charming historical city, located on the south shores of the Adriatic Sea.

Various projects in which Polis is involved will be represented at the Conference as well and in particular SUMPs-Up.  The first results of the European-wide user needs assessment on SUMP will be revealed during the opening plennary session. In the meantime, you can still complete the questionnaire wich is available online