CIVITAS Forum Conference 2015 focuses on sharing space and transport in cities
Individual days of the conference will be devoted to different themes, with parallel sessions covering topics as diverse as multimodality, improving accessibility, clean fuels and vehicles, and EU funding opportunities. Site visits will give participants the opportunity to experience improvements to Ljubljana’s transports system first hand, and a social evening and conference dinner will allow plenty of networking opportunities. The conference will also reveal the winners of the 2015 CIVITAS Awards including the usual categories of technical innovation, public participation and CIVITAS City of the Year, and a special award presented to the participant who travelled to the conference in the most sustainable way.
Keynote speakers at the conference’s opening plenary include Ljubljana’s mayor Zoran Janković, Slovenia’s Minister for Infrastructure Peter Gašperšič, and Daniela Rosca, Head of Unit for Clean Transport and Sustainable Mobility at DG MOVE. Other high-level European Commission figures will also be in attendance during the conference, including Violeta Bulc, Commissioner for Transport; Maroš Šefčovič, the EC Vice-President for Energy Union; and Jyrki Katainen, EC Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness.
To register and to see a draft of the programme, go to: