CIVITAS Forum 2014 - call for speakers now open
This year, the CIVITAS Forum Conference will take place in Casablanca, Morocco between 23 and 26 September 2014. Under the title "Urban mobility and social inclusion: planning accessibility for more sustainable cities" the conference will explore successful stories of sustainable urban mobility, accessibility and social inclusion as key factors in urban mobility and city planning.
Proposals should be submitted until 22 April 2014. Selected speakers will be contacted by early May, when they will be invited to confirm their participation.
Speakers can apply either for a technical session or a Pecha Kucha session.
Various presentation slots of around 15 minutes are available across 8 technical sessions. Each proposal abstract submitted should include 4-6 keywords and identify the main thematic categories addressed.
Pecha Kucha sessions are open to all CIVITAS FORUM 2014 participants and speakers and consist of 20 slides presented each for 20 seconds.
How to apply?
If you are interested in participating as a speaker, please read the proposal guidelines and complete the respective proposal form available on the CIVITAS FORUM 2014 page and send it to