
CityLab workshop "Growth of Electric Freight and Consolidation in Urban Logistics"

The CITYLAB (City Logistics in Living Laboratories) consortium and the London team are running a workshop bringing together cities to exchange knowledge and experience in Urban Logistics.

The London CITYLAB implementation is a trial of a scaling-up of a business model run by a large parcel carrier specialised in B2B deliveries (TNT) and a small ‘last-mile’ carrier specialised in electric freight deliveries (Gnewt Cargo).

The event will bring together the local industry, London local authorities, and experts from UK and European cities. A site visit, short presentations, and a transfer session will provide opportunities for exchange and for planning future steps.

The agenda is available here. Registration is free, but the number of attendees is limited. To register online, please use the form and enter your details here.

Please wait until you receive the registration confirmation before proceeding with any further travel or accommodation arrangements.