
CEF Blending Info Day

Polis attended the info day and collected some information regarding this new programme. In a nutshell, this programme will be divided into 11 priorities for projects of at minimum 10 Million euros and aim at increasing through blending (equity, loans and/or guarantees) the participation of private sector investment in the financing of the TEN-T projects as a complement to the traditional grant funding.

The call has been launched since February 8 and will be opened until July 14 at 17h00. A second round might be foreseen depending on the results of the first call, in which case the deadline would be on November 30th.

  • The priorities for this call are the following:
  • Core Network Corridors, with a total budget of €450M
  • Other Sections of the Core Network, with a total budget of €100M
  • Rail Interoperability, with a total budget of €50M
  • European Rail Traffic Management Systems, with a total budget of €100M
  • Innovation and new technologies, with a total budget of €140M
  • Safe and Secure Infrastructure, with a total budget of €10M
  • Single European Sky, with a total budget of €40M
  • Intelligent Transport Services for road (ITS), with a total budget of €40M
  • Motorways of the Sea, with a total budget of €40M
  • Nodes of the Core Network including Urban Nodes, with a total budget of €10M
  • Multimodal logistics platforms, with a total budget of €20M

Projects that could be granted should respect the following key principles:

  • Minimum budget of €10M as outlined before
  • Secure a letter of support from a financial institution for the project to be financiable 2 years after submission
  • Project should not run beyond 2023

Further information can be found on the EC website related to this event here