
Call for paper: urban planning and regulation for e-groceries, digitalization and sustainability

Recent technology improvements and digitalization have had a profound impact on economies all-around the world. This will change how people interact with one another, how they work, how they travel and how they shop. Typical examples are driverless cars, home delivery by drones and productivity growth through robotization. Some of these technologies are still in their infancy, but other improvements can materialize in the near future. At the same time, there is a need to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and regional/local growth in motorized transport.

The papers presented/discussed at the workshop should aid governance, planning and regulation as well as building competence for the industry and the public sector and to address to what extent this area of digitalization is likely to contribute to a more effective, sustainable transport system.

The focus on grocery shopping is because it is the most frequent and common form of shopping on one side and, on the other, is a very dynamic and fast growing segment at present and it is expected to be so also in the near future.

Abstract submission deadline 14th April.

More information and paper submission here.