C-ITS and cities workshop
The purpose of this event is to create greater awareness of C-ITS among urban transport practitioners and to promote discussion on the potential for C-ITS deployment in the urban environment.
Workshop delegates will learn about where C-ITS can play a useful role in cities and what cities need to know if they do decide to deploy C-ITS. In order to make the discussion practical and tangible for city representatives, several cities will share their main transport challenges and invite C-ITS industry stakeholders (vehicle manufacturer and system supplier) to give their views on where C-ITS could play a role in addressing those challenges.
This workshop is the third in a series of workshop focused on C-ITS and cities: the two former events were held in Glasgow on 6 June 2016 and London on 3 March 2016.
The draft agenda can be found here.
Online registation here.
The Barcelona workshop is being organised back to back with a stakeholder consultation workshop on 'automated vehicles and urban traffic management', which will take place on Tuesday, 15 November under the new H2020 project MAVEN.
The timing and location of both workshops have been selected due to the Smart Cities Congress which Barcelona will host from 15-17 November.
A small budget has been set aside to assist with travel expenses for local authority representatives attending the workshop(s).