Boosting Start-Ups and SMEs for smart urban mobility, 22 May, Berlin
The conference should foster exchange and visibility of SME innovation/accelerators with key policy makers, support building a network of accelerators in Europe and commit sponsoring companies to action. Participants should discuss experiences and future needs, including attractiveness of EU tools and further policy needs and obstacles (at all levels).
Main topics to be covered through panel discussions and working groups include:
- How to best accelerate start-ups: what lessons have we learnt?
- Opportunities for collaboration between accelerators: greater impact in Europe?
- How to improve the business environment in cities? What kind of support is needed?
- What is the value added of action at a European level?
Keynote speakers include Andreja Kodrin (Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner Violeta Bulc), Robin Chase (founder of Zipcar and Buzzcar), Alex Farcett (co-founder Startupbootcamp) and Gert Blom (City of Helmond).
More information is available at