Automated vehicles and urban traffic management
The MAVEN project expects to cover a wide range of subjects, including the role of road side equipment (eg, traffic lights); interaction between the infrastructure and automated vehicle in terms of functions such as speed advisory, platooning or lane change advisory; and, the impact on vulnerable road users (pedestrians and cyclists), among others.
MAVEN (Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network) will develop infrastructure-assisted algorithms for the management of automated vehicles and will build a system prototype for field tests and impact assessment, leading to the development of a roadmap for the introduction of vehicle-road automation to support road authorities. The cities of Helmond (NL), Braunschweig (D) and the London Borough of Greenwich (UK) are the demonstration cities.
To refine the system concept and specifications and the assessment plan, the views, ambitions and requirements of stakeholders – especially city traffic authorities – are important input. The aim of this first MAVEN stakeholder consultation workshop is to discuss and review the preliminary system concept, use case descriptions, and assessment and demonstration plan.
The workshop will address the role and responsibilities of cities and traffic management in the context of highly automated driving, including political, institutional and organisational aspects as well as the broader perspective of passenger transport in smart/future cities.
Please note that a workshop on C-ITS and cities, jointly organised by the CIMEC and CODECS projects, will take place the day before the MAVEN workshop in Barcelona, which MAVEN workshop participants are free to attend.
Further information
The draft agenda will be available at the end of September. Meanwhile, you can register for the workshop here.
Venue: Espai Barcelona, Media TIC building, Roc Boronat 117 - 08018 Barcelona.
For enquiries about MAVEN, please contact Jaap Vreeswijk or Suzanne Hoadley (