
A blueprint for an EU Cycling Strategy will see the light in 2017

The blueprint for an EU Cycling Strategy is part of a larger initiative launched last year by the European Cyclists' Federation with the support of advocacy groups, city networks, representatives from local and regional authorities, European Commission, European Parliament, European Council, the World Health Organisation and businesses. Read more in our news article (20 May 2015)

The initiative turned into the "EU Cycling Strategy Campaign" which officially kicked-off in September 2016 at the launch event  “Cycling into the future: A new approach to infrastructure, a new approach to policy-making at the European level”.

The intention of the Campaign is to:

‘Encouraging more people to cycle more often’ across the EU has the potential to unlock socio-economic benefits worth billions of Euros. Stakeholders from diverse backgrounds have therefore joined forces to develop a blueprint for an EU Cycling Strategy which will recommend objectives and define actions falling within EU competence. Published at the Velo-city 2017 conference in June it will then be submitted to the European Commission as a new inspiration for action.”

The blueprint for an EU Cycling Strategy will be developed over the next few months. Polis was invited to contribute content and draft one chapter of the blueprint document which shall be elaborated by about 20 – 25 experts.

We met with other invited organisations in Brussels on October 5th to discuss the way forward and the role of the experts.

This enthusiastic team gathers together EPHA - European Public Health Alliance, ETSC - European Transport Safety Council, GIZ - German Development Agency, Green Budget Europe, CONEBI - Confederation of the European bicycle industries, CROW, the Danish Cycling Embassy, the Luxembourg National Transport Ministry, and KU Leuven.

Get involved!

Everybody is welcome to contribute their ideas!

Views from other stakeholders are being collected through a stakeholder consultation process (public survey).

Visit to find more information and follow #eucyclingstrategy to stay tuned.