
2017 CIVITAS Forum Conference call for demonstrations

The city of Torres Vedras, one of Portugal’s leading examples in sustainable urban development, was chosen to host the CIVITAS Forum 2017 because of its active involvement in CIVINET Portugal-Spain and the CIVITAS Political Advisory Committee, demonstrating a strong political commitment to sustainable mobility issues and to the CIVITAS Network.

As Torres Vedras is the smallest municipality ever to host a CIVITAS Forum Conference the organisers decided to focus on this in the theme. However, the theme not only refers to the conference objective of encouraging a transfer of ideas between cities of any size. Using the CIVITAS transferability approach as a basis the conference theme also indicates that ideas developed by any kind of small community – and this could be a CIVITAS project, an expert group, etc. – should also help others to tackle existing urban mobility problems.

Deployment Day

The CIVITAS Forum will introduce and innovative element of the programme namely the CIVITAS Deployment Day that will connect owners of new methods and tools to its users and potential users and facilitate the building of relations and potential partnerships with cities. New tools and methods can be presented in the interactive format that best showcases its capabilities and potential for implementation, be it individualised training workshops, large demonstration and Q&A sessions, or “best practice” examples of its application. In addition, all tools/methods will be featured in the CIVITAS online marketplace that will be launched at the CIVITAS Forum conference 2017.

The call for demonstration is open until 18 May 2017.

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