Webinar on road safety: technological solutions from three EU-projects
Three EU-funded projects are inviting you to register for their joint webinar on 27 February; 14:00-15:30, held via Zoom.
The three EU-funded sister projects ‘PHOEBE’, ‘SOTERIA’ and ‘V4SAFETY’ were all selected in the same call to provide innovative solutions to promote urban road safety. It’s an urban jungle out there - whether you are a pedestrian, cyclist, person with reduced mobility or car driver. Road safety is traditionally often focusing on high visibility of active mobility users, a car-centric traffic policy and restructuring of urban space.
All three projects help to predict potentially dangerous traffic scenarios for (vulnerable) road users within different situations. Thus, the three sister projects aim to promote the uptake of new technological solutions by city administrations across Europe. The three projects are all assessing a unique perspective of urban road safety:
- PHOEBE aims to develop an integrated, dynamic human-centered predictive safety assessment framework in urban areas. This will be achieved by bringing together the inter-disciplinary power of traffic simulation, road safety assessment, human behaviour, mode shift and induced demand modelling and new and emerging mobility data.
- SOTERIA mainly takes the perspective of vulnerable road users and will develop a framework of tools and services to nudge them towards safer behaviours in dangerous traffic situations while shifting responsibility from the road users to everyone involved in designing and operating a road transport system.
- V4SAFETY mainly takes the perspective of the motorised vehicle and will set up a framework for the assessment of in-vehicle safety solutions, regulatory solutions and infrastructure-based solutions.
Final Agenda:
- Introduction - Pedro Homem de Gouveia (POLIS)
- Information on the collaboration of the three sister projects - Pedro Homem de Gouveia (POLIS)
- Project presentations + Q&A:
- James Bradford (IRAP)
- Shanna Lucchesi (IRAP)
- Marina Georgiou (Netcompany Intrasoft)
- Panagiotis Georgakis (University of Wolverhampton)
- Olaf op den Camp (TNO)
- Sanne van Gils (SWOV)
- Social media information - Niklas Schmalholz (POLIS)