Webinar: Expansion of Hydrogen Refueling Solutions on the TEN-T North Sea-Baltic Corridor
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of Netherlands and Rīgas Satiksme are holding a webinar on April 29 at 12.30 (CET), to discuss plans for hydrogen deployment at nodes along the Sea-Baltic Corridor.
Key progress and lessons learnt across H2Nodes sites will be presented, along with findings of key project reports on the status of hydrogen for transportation along the North Sea-Baltic Corridor, and conclusions for policy-makers.
The webinar is also intended as an opportunity for the stakeholders participating to seed ideas for future projects and identify potential collaboration opportunities in advance of upcoming calls for projects from the EU institutions to finance hydrogen projects in 2021 and the following years. The webinar is aimed at decisions makers from the public and private sectors which would be involved in the development of hydrogen mobility projects on the TEN-T North Sea Baltic Core Network Corridor.
About the workshop:
- 12:30-12:35 Beginning of event, welcome (Moderator: Madeline Ojakovoh, Element Energy, Coordinator of JIVE projects)
- 12:35-12:50 Introduction by chairs and presentation of the H2Nodes project (Co-chair: Representative from The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of Netherlands & Co-chair: Representative from the board of Rīgas Satiksme)
- 12:50 -13:25 Part 1 - Plans for expansion with more HRS along the TEN-T North Sea Baltic Core Network Corridor
- 12:50-13:00 Presentation of findings on the Western part of the corridor (Sacha Scheffer, Senior Advisor, The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of Netherlands)
- 13:00-13:10 Presentation of findings on the Eastern part of the corridor (Dainis Bošs, Trezors)
- 13:10-13:25 Q&A
- 13:25 –13:55 Part 2 - Perspectives from hydrogen mobility project developers along the TEN-T North Sea Baltic Core Network Corridor
- 13:25-13:35 Views from an HRS developer on state of activities on the corridor (Jochem de Jong, Project Developer Hydrogen, Total gas mobility)
- 13:35-13:45 Perspectives and ambition for future projects Atrado Ltd (invited)
- 13:45-13:55 Q&A 13:55-14:00 Closing remarks and end of the even
The link to register for the event is available here.