Polis Working Group: Clean vehicles procurement, low emission standard
Next to the charging infrastructure, local authorities are now developing ambitious strategies to integrate clean vehicles into their own fleets and to further promote their roll-out. During this second day of this Polis’ working group meeting, we looked into the evaluation of the EU Directive on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles and will discuss cities’ and regions’ strategies, needs and recommendations in this sense.
For more information on the Clean Vehicles Directive and its evaluation you can contact: Ian Skinner ian.skinner@tepr.co.uk
The Clean Fleets project recommendations on the directive can be found here
The Clean Vehicle Portal will be available here (new version coming soon!). If you would like to share your clean vehicles procurement case please contact TMourey@polisnetwork.eu
The following session looked into the establishment of a voluntary standard for low combustion vehicles (EULES). This could provide a benchmark for local or national authorities when developing financial incentives or access restriction policies linked to clean transport. The first results of this exercise will be presented and discussed.