Managing micro-mobility through and after the COVID-19 crisis
As cities begin to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis in the coming weeks, some form of normality will begin to assert itself. However, we cannot expect life, and in particular travel behaviours and patterns, to return immediately to the pre-covid situation due to ongoing public health, business and economic challenges.
Micro-mobility systems have also been significantly impacted by the covid crisis. Many cities have enforced closures of their local systems to support, or as a result of, reductions in travel by the local population or for public health reasons due to the shared nature of public systems.
How will the micro-mobility industry emerge from the covid crisis? Much is still unknown, but what are the key challenges, as well as opportunities, that we as operators, cities, innovators and policy experts should be considering in order to rebuild a robust and relevant micro-mobility industry?
Vianova is leading a series of webinars with thought leaders, cities and operators in the coming weeks exploring these issues.
This first webinar will focus on the following:
- What have we seen in micro-mobility market during the covid crisis in markets around the world?
- What should this tell us about the earlier business models, the ability of micro-mobility to support citizens during the crisis and the opportunities coming out of the crisis?
The webinar takes place on Monday 20 April from 16:00 - 17:00 CET. You can register here.