ITF SUMMIT SIDE EVENT: From data to policy: New approaches for data-driven and smart road safety policies in cities and regions
The side event took place on 23 May 2018 from 9.00-10.30h and discussed innovative practice in road safety on a local level. Urban areas accounted for more than one third of EU road fatalities in 2016 and 68% of them were pedestrians and two-wheelers, which clearly signals the need to improve urban road safety.
The side event adressed questions such as:
- What are the keys to success in effective local road safety policies?
- How to address safety and sustainability in an integrated way?
- Which safety data is most needed by cities?
- Can vehicles become safer for all road users?
Moderator Karen Vancluysen, Polis' Secretary General, introduced and guided the following speakers through their presentations:
- Safety and Sustainability: Two sides of the same coin
Dagmar Köhler, Road Safety Coordinator, Polis
Driving isn’t easy, but saving a life is: New York’s Vision Zero - Michael A. Replogle, Deputy Commissioner for Policy, New York City Department of Transportation
- What is happening on our streets? A new partnership model for data exchange and analysis
Kevin Webb, Director, SharedStreets & Open Transport Partnership - Using the international Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) in the urban setting
James Bradford, Global Product Director, iRAP, International Road Assessment Programme Designing safer streets: Lessons from around the world
Melinda Hanson, Deputy Director NACTO - Global Designing Cities Initiative - The contribution of vehicle technology to address urban and inter-urban road safety challenges
Peter Kronberg, Safety Director, Volvo Group - Towards Intelligent Speed Assistance
Graziella Jost, Projects Director, European Transport Safety Council
Download the presentations
Please find the presentations given at the side event on the right hand side as pdf files for download.
Spotlight on New York City
Among others, New York City presented its path to Vision Zero in the session - and won the ITF's 2018 Transport Achievement Award the day after. Announcing the Award, ITF Secretary-General Young-Tae Kim said: “New York City has created an exemplary road safety programme that is a showcase for addressing urban road safety as a public health issue”. Take a look at Michael Replogle's presentation on NY's Vision Zero or read th story on page 64 of the Thinking Cities magazine.
"Thinking Cities" and road safety
At the ocassion of the ITF summit, the latest edition of the 'Thinking Cities' magazine was released, that features road safety as its cover theme. You can read it online here or download the pdf
For more information or future cooperation with Polis please contact Dagmar Köhler,