23/09/2021 Online

Cycling cities webinar series: Cost-benefit comparisons of bicycles vs cars

Interreg Europe's Policy Learning Platform is back with a new webinar "Cost-benefit comparisons of bicycle's versus cars", presenting a roundtable discussion with experts in the field, among which Maria José Rojo, POLIS's Active Travel and Health Coordinator.

Interreg Europe, the organization helping regional and local governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy is back with the new Policy Learning Platform webinar!

On 23 September a new cycling cities webinar will take place from 14:00 to 15:30 CEST. It will focus on cost-benefit comparisons of bicycle use versus car use for policy makers.

Policy makers, urban planners and clean mobility managers, will have the chance to look at direct and indirect costs associated with car and bicycle use, learn about positive and negative externalities, see how certain cities have already implemented cost-benefit comparisons for cycling versus car use and discover how cost-benefit comparisons can successfully inform policy making in favour of the bicycle.

The cities of Copenhagen and Vienna both have detailed cost-benefit studies with findings of high policy relevance. We have invited the authors and users of the results of these studies to share facts, figures and insights with you:

  • Marie Kåstrup, Head of the Bicycle Program at the City of Copenhagen.
  • Michael Meschik, Professor at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Institute of Transport Studies.
  • Maria José Rojo, Coordinator for Active Travel and Health at POLIS.
  • Holger Haubold, Director for Intellectual Property and Data Collection at the European Cyclist Federation.

A roundtable discussion with the speakers and two more experts will then shed light on the importance of cost-benefit studies for local and regional policy making and discuss the transferability of the findings.

Register here.

Image: Shutterstock/ Georgios Karkavitsas
