Clean Fleets workshop: Introducing clean vehicles into public fleets:
If we are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality within our cities, there is a need for a rapid and wide-scale introduction of alternative fuelled vehicles into publicly owned fleets. How can this be achieved?
The Clean Fleets Project has been working with public authorities and fleet operators since September 2012 to help implement the EU Clean Vehicles Directive and encourage procurement of clean and energy efficient vehicles. Drawing on these experiences, a series of policy recommendations have been drafted to help ensure a supportive policy and legislative framework for future clean vehicle procurement.
In order to ensure these suggestions are pertinent and achievable, local, national and European policy makers are invited to explore the issues. The morning will include presentations from public procurers and policy experts from ICLEI Europe, City of Stockholm, City of Bremen, Transport for London, City of Rotterdam, TÜV Nord, Polis and DG MOVE (tbc). There will also be a chance for open discussion and debate.
Polis supports this workshop and encourages policy makers to join the meeting.
The event is free of charge.
Venue: Representation of Lower Saxony to the EU, Rue Montoyer 61, 1000 Brussels