COVID-19: Keeping Things Moving

London council to block cars to protect citizens from speeding drivers

An east London council has announced plans to protect people in local neighbourhoods by blocking off certain streets to general traffic.

The plan would see low-cost 'filtering' measures implemented on selected streets to stop speeding traffic, which has become a growing issue in a number of cities due to a reduction in the number of vehicles allowing those still travelling to do so at higher speeds.

A local Councillor in Hackney has gathered potential locations from local residents through social media and the council is now creating a shortlist of streets to implement these measures in.

The council will use low-cost planters and bollards on selected streets to allow walking and cycling through trips, and access to key workers and emergency vehicles, but preventing people driving through – a process known as filtering. According to the government, traffic levels on London’s main roads have dropped by 63% during the crisis.

To find out more, please see this article from Laura Laker on Road CC.